Example Use-Case

This example use-case aims to show all of the core abilities of Azure KeyVault Secret Operator. Please find the use case scenario below and then apply all of the steps.

Use-Case Scenario

SuperStore is an e-commerce platform which uses Kubernetes for its workloads. Company plans to keep credentials in Azure KeyVault as listed below;

Secret Name Description
catalogdb MSSQL connection string as ready to use directly
amqp-username Username of AMQP product
amqp-password Password of AMQP product
docker-config-json Private docker registry credential for pulling images.

Secrets Need To Be Created

However, every namespace in the Kubernetes needs different kubernetes secret. Following pseudo secret yamls should be applied by operator.

Below secret should be present in superstore-test namespace.

kind: Secret
name: catalog-api
  catalogdb-connectionstring: "{catalogdb}"

Below secret should be present in every namespace which ends with “test”

kind: Secret
name: amqp
  amqp-connectionstring: "amqp://{amqp-username}:{amqp-password}@brokersvc:5672/"

Below secret should be present in every namespace which doesn’t include “kube”

kind: Secret
name: docker-registry-credential
type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
  .dockerconfigjson: "{docker-pull-secret}"