Preparing Service Principal

Creating Service Principal

Operator needs a Service Principal to get secrets from Azure KeyVault. By executing the following commands, you can create a service principal without any assignment.

Please edit the value of SP_NAME variable, if you want to change name of the service principal to be created.


#create service principal and get its secret (do not keep anywhere, it includes sensitive data!)
SP_CLIENTSECRET="$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment --name $SP_NAME --query 'password' -otsv)"

#get its appId/clientId
SP_CLIENTID="$(az ad sp list --display-name $SP_NAME --query '[0].appId' -otsv)"

#get tenantId of subscription
TENANTID="$(az account show --query 'tenantId' -otsv)"

Authorizing for KeyVault

The service principal which is used by operator needs to have sufficient permission to get secrets from Azure KeyVault. Following command provides a way to authorize the service principal to KeyVault both of created before.

az keyvault set-policy --name $KV_NAME --spn $SP_CLIENTID --secret-permissions get

Creating Service Principal Secret

Until now, you created service principal and authorized it to KeyVault. Before operator is installed, you need to create a kubernetes secret which will be used by operator.

You can change SECRET_NS and SECRET_NAME variables which represents namespace and name of to be created secret.


kubectl create secret generic $SECRET_NAME \
  --from-literal=clientid=$SP_CLIENTID \
  --from-literal=clientsecret=$SP_CLIENTSECRET \
  --from-literal=tenantid=$TENANTID \
  --namespace $SECRET_NS
Created service principal secret for operator